"movements need to become the practice ground for what we are healing towards, co-creating. movements are responsible for embodying what we are inviting our people into. we need the people within our movements, all socialized into and by unjust systems, to be on liberation paths. not already free, but practicing freedom every day."
adrienne maree brown
adrienne maree brown
An "after class" continuation of conversations that come up in the ethics classes I teach. I discuss student questions that weren't addressed in class, interview philosophers my students are reading, and give my students a chance to ask philosophers their own questions.
Social Media
My aspiration here is educational and invitational––share research, unsettle apathy, and engage in a manner that wins conversation partners.
Click ⬇️ for more... I used to wonder whether reparation required that payment from the descendants of the enslavers. For one, that question only focused on reparation for slavery. What about Jim Crow racism? But second, the question assumed that reparation was principally about individuals...the enslavers and their descendants. But reparation, in its strongest form, argues that *institutions* owe repair. Our government institutions are still around, and they supported, defended, and allowed slavery and Jim Crow racism. Reparations targets them, not you or I. Of course, many will say, "but present-day citizens will still finance reparation." That's true, but they do so as citizens, not as culprits. They do so to fulfill civic responsibility, not to be punished. That is, they do so in the same way that they finance all variety of government expenditures and debts. If these other instances of financing government expenditures and debts are not punishment and do not require culpability, then why do we think otherwise when it comes to reparation. For more on this, read Rober Fullinwider, "The Case for Reparation." #reparationsnow #reparations #blacklivesmatter #socialjustice #inequality #phdstudent #phdstudentlife #political #debate #education #howtopayoffdebt